Friday, May 28, 2010

Days 18 and 19

On the 18th day, we drove for most of the day through AZ, NM and then got to our grandparents house in OK just in time for dinner. We enjoyed an evening of just catching up on life and getting a tour of their new house. It is in a really neat setting, because they live right outside of an animal reserve on some property that is on a mountain. We got to meet their kitties, who Sophie quickly hit it off with : )

After having breakfast together on the 19th day, we went for a drive with my grandpa, sisters and dad. We drove around a town close to them, up to a mountain with great views, as well as around the reserve. We saw a neat variety of animals including: buffalo, prairie dogs, deer, longhorns, and snakes…just to name a few. My personal favorite was the prairie dogs. The reminded us a lot of the meerkats that we saw at the zoo….so cute : )

Our aunt Cleeta came over with some yummy pizza for lunch. We got to spend the day with her and our grandparents. Some of us did some hiking around their property, with my nana leading the way. There is a lot of beautiful views from where they live!

Dinner was an interesting and yummy experience. We went to what looked like an ‘old dive’. It had been in this little town near their house for years and years. They pretty much only sell burgers, but the cool thing about it is that all of the burgers are made from Longhorn cattle that the store owner personally raises. Longhorn is very favorable, much lower in fat than your average burger, so it’s actually pretty good for you. Anyhow, I just found that pretty interesting. Wish that restaurant was around us in NC, haha.

Once again, after coming home from dinner, we talked some more. We hadn’t seen my grandparents in almost two years and when we only are spending a day and a half with them, there is a lot of ground to cover ; )

Posted by: Emily

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