Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 2

It was bound to be the Happiest Mother’s Day ever! After a quick breakfast with Aunt Sherry and Uncle Bill, we were out the door and on the road. It wasn’t long before we were encompassed with the St. Louis Arch. Traveling west on I-70 for a loooooong time, we decided a morning of listening to Anne of Green Gables would break things up a bit! We stopped for lunch in Kansas City, MO, as we decided a good serving of KC Bandera’s BBQ would be good for a memory…and boy did it hit the spot!! We saw some real wing-dingers before the day was finished…Bobber Café, Buck Snort Inn, Boonville, MO.

After Topeka, Kansas, the trees were disappearing, the terrain was become flatter and the wind was really picking up! Saw notable signs of Dorothy, with the Oz Museum on billboards along the way, but after 9 plus hours after lunch, we can all attest that there is truly no place like home. The prairie setting through Kansas, with the windmills all over the place, sightings of pheasant, a dead coyote, and a flock of wild turkey, the long straight interstate was pretty monotonous. Not a whole lot of city life, but a true picture of tumbleweed crossing in front of us and the green blowing grasslands, a great appreciation for the diverseness of God’s beautiful creation!

Entering Eastern Colorado, we ended up with dinner at a quick fast food but were thrilled at the speed limit signs showing 75mph. Kind of funny to see ways that this western trip is truly a reality by bumper stickers like, ‘happiness is a crock of beans’! The girls shifted from their afternoon reading to a bit of ‘The Little Rascals’, and we started realizing the distant sight of the Colorado Mt. range on the horizon. The foothills were evident as we noticed the lushness of green trees and rolling hills. It truly changed pretty dramatically, as our hours on end were nearing the end of the day. As we found our way less than an hour from Colorado Springs, we began to swallow a bunch, noting the elevation was 6030 by the Colorado Springs city limits sign.

Today was pretty much the longest car trip we’ve ever had in one day. We drove 920 miles from IL to CO. Good night sleep in this picturesque city, a welcomed end to a perfect day…No happier mother around, on this fine Mother’s day and all!!

We're hoping to have some pictures up tonight!

Posted by: Cheryl


Cara said...

Looking forward to your pictures!

By the way, I know that the blog is "in progress", but I thought I'd mention it anyway: I can't read your header because your picture and words are both dark. However, I think the orange/yellow color scheme is quite appropriate! :-)

Unknown said...

Yup, you're definitely in the Rockies when the /bottom/ of the mountain is not much lower than Mt. Mitchell, the highest mountain on the east coast (6,684 ft.)

I love Colorado Springs. Pike's Peak is absolutely amazing, as are all the rockies. Take lots of pictures!

Unknown said...

Oh, and Cara, I believe most of your problem may just be your own monitor's settings. I have mine set on the brightest setting (I like it that way), and I can see the header fine. It's not the easiest thing to read, but I can see it. Fiddle with your monitor's setting and see if you can increase the brightness.

kbelle said...

... when we traded our yankee status to become the southern bells, one of the things we missed most about kansas was the seemingly constant breeze. in georgia, the humidity hung in the air, making 85 degrees feel more like 105. we missed wichita weather, where 105 felt more like 85 due to the "wind chill" (smile)

let me be the first to confess/complain that in our up-to-the-minute world, i'm quite put-out with having to wait SO LONG for updates from you. and when they do arrive, they're already old news. (sigh) be a dear and talk david into one of those satellite, wireless thing-ys for the laptop so em can post live from the van. (another smile)

wondering what you're up to today,
waiting by the computer,
k belle