Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 16

Sedona was a great little town to visit! It was nestled in the beauty of the red rock mountains. Being on the road for 16 days, it still amazes us that we continue to see something different and unique in every place we go! As good as it was in Sedona, we had a couple of hours of driving to make it to Grand Canyon yet today.

It was an easy drive for us. It’s been difficult to not stop on the ‘scenic pullout’ spots along the way to snap a few pictures (or to hunt for my bear along a river that I have still not spotted). Right outside of Grand Canyon we stopped to have lunch and to see the IMAX Grand Canyon Movie. It was the perfect introduction to what lied ahead.

We had reservations at one of the Grand Canyon lodges. After check-in, we began making our way around several different look-outs to spot some of the most amazing views! Having never been here before, it is amazing how accessible it really is…like right off the road or trail is the canyon, without hardly any guard rails. We jumped on a few shuttles to get around due to the dropping temps, much different than anyone visiting Grand Canyon is late May would have expected. It all of a sudden had a major drop in temperature and was just freezing cold…maybe 40’ish, with a pretty hefty wind as well. We think we saw snow flurries before we were finished with our getting around, just after dinner.

Bundled up in our hoodies, relaxing again in our room earlier again tonight. Things are winding down for us ‘Westward Bound Elliott’s’, that’s for sure. What an awesome display of God’s creation that we had such opportunity to see today! We have given Him thanks from day one…and don’t plan to stop quite yet! Morning comes early tomorrow for any brave soul willing to peak at the sunrise over the Grand Canyon….we’ll see what transpires, as 5:17am is awfully early for all of us vacationers!! Easier said than done…

Posted by: Cheryl

P.S. we're having some issues getting pictures up...we'll have them up ASAP!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Can't wait to see the sunrise pictures!! God has been so faithful to reveal His goodness to you on this trip! Awesomeness!