Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 20

What a wonderful time we had spending time with family. Living so many hours away, we were thankful to be able to work that into our planned vacation out west! After a great breakfast of Nana’s mouthwatering oatmeal pancakes, we gave hugs, said our good-byes and were on our way again!

Short and sweet…we drove, saw fuller, thicker trees, a quick lunch, and more driving. There was a lot of traffic today. I am not sure if it is normal to have so many semi trucks along I-40 East or not but we sure had our share of them! The girls had picked up a series of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, so that seemed to fill up a good chunk of their day. I am beginning to realize life back home with commitments to attend to. I spent a bit of my morning touching base with details at home. Whenever I spotted a license plate un- accounted for, it went in our record book. We need 3 more before covering all 50 states…we’ll see what tomorrow holds!

We sat down for a good dinner in West Memphis, and made it to our last night stay in Nashville, TN at a Country Inn and Suites. Catch up tonight…thanks for your patience. We weren’t able to post for a few days, as some things have needed to come 1st at times!!

Posted by: Cheryl

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