Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day One

So, yesterday morning, after a late night (a /really/ late night) getting every last item ready to go, we were finally off on our adventure. We drove through NC, SC, back in NC, TN, KY and finally to IL after about 12 hours of driving. Along the way, we enjoyed seeing some beautiful parts of the NC and TN Mountains.

We passed through Ashville, Nashville and Knoxville, TN. We took advantage of the long car ride to catch up on sleep, read and just relax :) Day number one of the trip was basically nothing but driving.

For dinner, we stopped at a steakhouse called “20’s Hideout”. It was a pretty neat place, because the whole restaurant was made to look just like its name….a 20’s hideout. As we walked into the restaurant wearing our travel clothes (super casual: basketball shorts, hoodies, etc), we quickly learned that prom was that night. So, we were accompanied by a restaurant full of teens in their gowns and tuxedos…feeling a bit out of place, haha! :) There was also a great local artist that was playing some live music.

One thing we forgot to consider is that we were going to gain an hour because of the time zone change. We ended up making very good time and got to our first stop at about 8pm. We spent the night with our aunt and uncle; and we also got to spend a little bit of time with my dad's cousin and her family.

We're trying to figure out how to make these pictures smaller in file size so that we can upload them more quickly each evening. Hopefully in a day or two, we will have pictures up :)

Posted by: Emily


morgan joy said...

lol! i bet it was fun to watch all the promgoers and see the pretty dresses. :) glad you guys are having a good time and i cant wait to see some pictures!

Anonymous said...

oh, I want to go there!! The 20's Hideout, not the prom. =)